Building on extensive product leadership experience

Scaling up a Corporate Venture 5x


Corporate Venture (Philips) in the area of Digital Pathology ready to scale up. 


Implementing a solid go to market strategy: creating strategic focus, transition from selling technology to selling a solution, steering innovation investments towards customer value and growth, ensuring profitability by implementing value-based pricing and partnering with sales to execute product launches in new geographic markets and to enable the growing sales team with the right information, field support and training.

Strengthening customer centricity to increase marketshare


A mature business (Philips) selling MRI scanners, struggling with steady to declining marketshare.


Executed global market & user research to refresh customer insights and identify new opportunities for value creation and differentiation. Which was translated into a new portfolio vision to direct value communication and innovation programs. For one of the innovation programs a new product team was created, focused on patient and operator experience that introduced 6/10 notable innovations for the Philips MRI portfolio over the last 7 years.